GODIVA的故事起源於歐洲Coventry(考文垂城):Leofric(廖夫瑞克)伯爵向人民施行重稅,伯爵善良美麗的妻子Godiva 夫人不忍見民生疾苦,遂求丈夫減收賦稅。他們打賭如果Godiva 夫人赤裸身軀僅以長髮遮體騎馬環城一圈,假使整個考文垂城的人民都緊閉門窗不窺視,伯爵就減少賦稅。翌日清晨,Godiva夫人赤身策馬環城,而城中百姓則懷著敬意緊閉門窗,足不出戶。 Leofric伯爵的承諾最終兌現,而Godiva夫人的傳奇故事則被無數人傳誦至今。



When Lady Godiva, wife of Lord Leofric, protested against the taxation of his subjects, she agreed to ride through the streets of Coventry “clad in naught but her long tresses”, and so long as the residents remained in shuttered buildings their tax burden would be lifted. The following morning she made her famous ride and, despite being the ultimate temptation, the citizens graciously remained indoors. Leofric kept his word and reduced the taxes to the delight of his subjects, ensuring Godiva’s legendary status throughout the centuries.

With a Belgian heritage dating back to 1926, GODIVA Chocolatier is the global leader in premium chocolate. Inspired by the values of Lady Godiva – her passion, generosity, and pioneering spirit — GODIVA’s legendary name has become a universal symbol of luxury, quality and the most delicious chocolate.

The company has a presence in more than 100 countries with distribution in over 700 boutiques, Global Travel Retail, department and specialty stores, and online. GODIVA offers a range of chocolate creations and is dedicated to innovation and excellence in the Belgian tradition. GODIVA is committed to developing, manufacturing and delivering food and beverage products that are safe, of the highest quality and consistently exceeding consumer expectations. From its famous truffles and shell-molded chocolate pieces to its European-style biscuits, individually wrapped chocolates, gourmet coffees, hot cocoa, Chocolate Soft Serve and other indulgences, GODIVA is committed to bringing the ultimate chocolate experience to the world.

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